Oct 12, 2021

Radetec Diagnostics develops fast COVID19 test

Radetec Diagnostics develops fast COVID19 test

With assistance from the Additive Manufacturing Hub at AMTIL, MedTech Actuator startup Radetec Diagnostics has developed an innovative device to facilitate fast and inexpensive testing of various infectious diseases – including COVID19.

Melbourne-based Radetec Diagnostics is a bio-nanotechnology company dedicated to developing a world-leading “platform technology” based on quantum dots – advanced luminescent nanoparticles that can be used as labels for imaging and sensing applications.

This has a wide range of clinical applications, particularly in the field of point-of-care rapid diagnostics, portable in-vitro diagnostic (IVDs) devices that are used for fast and inexpensive testing of various infectious diseases such as COVID19, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or even cancer and Parkinson’s disease biomarkers.

The Additive Manufacturing Hub recently supported Radetec in developing the reader just in time for the roll-out of its first product – a COVID19 antigen point-of-care rapid test. The support allowed for a timely delivery of the entire set of diagnostics devices (reader and test strip) to US-based distribution partners for immediate live trial and evaluation.

Read more about Radetec’s game-changing technology in this recent case study from the Additive Manufacturing Hub.

Radetec has now opened equity financing to accelerate the execution of their go-to-market strategy.

The company is now:

  • revenue positive – through ancillary product sales
  • trialling their COVID19 point-of-care test in Indian hospitals, with regulatory approval underway
  • trialling their COVID19 point-of-care test in US hospitals, and working closely with a US distributor
  • developing a chlamydia point-of-care test – with the prototype ready by the end of 2021
  • building a product pipeline – with a suite of products at various stages of development.

To express interest in becoming a Radetec Diagnostics investor, reach out to Lee Xie – Radetec Commercial Director at l.xie[@]radetecdiagnostics.com.